Return Guarantee
You have 30 days to decide how much you love your Dyns Jeans. You are free to return your purchase up to 30 days after receiving them, without conditions. If you bought Dyns Jeans, you can return them in these cases:
The Jeans Are Not The Desired Quality, Or You Have Received The Wrong Item.
Things can go wrong, even under our obsessive quality controls. Please allow us to fix our mistake.
The Jeans Don't Fit You
Well, that's online shopping, we don't have fitting rooms! Therefore, we've made the returns process as flawless as possible. Ship back your jeans, receive your payment back and order a different size.
You Don't Like The Jeans
No need to wear them. Sent them back and receive your money back.
You Don't Wear Dyns Jeans
And finally the most important thing - we want you to wear our jeans and love our jeans as much as we do. The last thing we want is an unhappy Dyns customer! Therefore, if your jeans become unsuitable for wear in any possible way: you spilled oil on them, maybe some paint, chain lube, acid, or bleach; you tore them, cut them, made a hole, even if your dog chewed your jeans - just return them.
What we really wish is to deliver the world's best motorcycle jeans. Enjoy them, love them and share your joy to your fellow biker friends.